
Jour2106|Team 0|2019/20 Final Project




本來言談溫柔的Vivien (化名),說到孩子過去的診斷情況時,情緒變得有點激動。Vivien是一位九歲孩子的媽媽,亦是一位自閉症孩子的媽媽。她的小孩於7歲時被確診患有自閉症。從最初發現孩子小學一年級時寫字異常困難,到正式確診患有自閉症,她們一家足足等待兩年。在見學校的心理學家,到見政府心理專家的過程中,她的孩子已從小一念到小三。當時已將近八歲的孩子,早已錯過自閉症兒童四至六歲的黃金時期。

Talking to Vivien about her nine year old son’s diagnosis two years ago, the soft spoken mum can’t help but get emotional. Her child was diagnosed with autism two years after he displayed signs of dyslexia in his first year of primary school. By the time he was able to meet with psychiatrist from the school and then the government, he had already turned eight, missing out on the prime time for treatment from four to six years old.


人們過去經常稱呼的「自閉症」(autism),目前已正名為自閉症光譜系障礙(Autism spectrum Disorder, ASD)。患有自閉症光譜系障礙的兒童通常會出現社交能力發展障礙 、溝通能力障礙 ,或者有重複行為、興趣、和活動模式等等,同時在日常行為中伴有感知體驗異常、情緒表現異常等情況。





事實上,香港的自閉症患病率(prevalence rate)在世界排名第八。根據香港政府的人口統計數據,2018年確診為自閉症的人士約有21150位以上,而18歲以下自閉症兒童則有超過10000人。









根據政府統計處資料,2018年年底的香港人口的臨時數字約為748萬人,而在2018年確診的自閉症人士應不少於 21,150名,其中全港自閉症患者總數逾10萬人。




The extra spendings to take care of people with ASD often creates financial burden for families, and intensive therapies, special education and social adjustment all require a large amount of assistance in resources. In recent years, the Hong Kong government has began trying to provide more resources to these families and SEN organizations to provide better care and support to ASD patients. However, with the increasing number of confirmed patients, is the government and society giving enough support and resources to them?




The Hong Kong government’s Community Care Fund has set up a subsidy to sponsor children who are receiving pre-school rehabilitation services. It currently has a waiting list for zero to six year old children of low-income families. It provides a monthly training subsidy of $2615 to allow autistic children to participate in learning activities within government verified social welfare institutions. In 2014, it has become one of the Social Welfare Department’s regularly funded projects. Also, special child care centres under the government has also hosted multiple lectures and training programmes on education for autistic children.



However… The process to apply for the subsidy is very complicated. While Vivien was trying to applied, she waited at the bank for over an hour due to the bank teller’s lack of knowledge in the procedure. It has been proven even more difficult to join either lectures or training programmes as they’re waiting lists last for over a year or even two, hence stripping these autistic children’s rights of receiving timely help.


Miss Lam Hau Ting has taught in a special needs school for over 10 years and met numerous Special Education Needs (SEN) children. As a frontline person in this uphill battle, she has much to say about the resources given to these SEN children.
“Our society is beginning to learn more about SEN and the government is giving us more funding, but that is just not enough,” said Miss Lam.




自閉症學童的教育方面,政府採用"雙軌制"推行特殊教育。把自閉症學生分為輕度或嚴重等級,對於自閉症較嚴重或有多重殘疾的學生,教育局會根據專家的評估和建議,在家長的同意下, 轉介他們入讀特殊學校,以便他們接受加強支援服務。而其他沒有需要入讀特殊學校以接受加強支援服務的有特殊教育需要學生,則入讀普通學校,也就是所謂的「融合教育」計畫,讓他們與普通學生互動、從主流教育中獲益,並且安排社工、心理輔導專家駐校為特殊學生服務。

Education for autistic children is separated into two kinds by the government. By separating these students into mild or severe, the Education Bureau would refer them to special needs schools, according to assessments and recommendation, alongside the parents’ agreement, to give them the extra help they need. As for the others, they would go into mainstream schools under the “Integrated education” scheme where they interact and learn alongside regular students. Social workers and therapists would be put into these schools to assist these students.


This kind of system has been used for over 20 years, and remains controversial in the industry of its effectiveness. Teachers of mainstream schools and special needs schools seem to hold a vastly different opinion when it comes to the process and its results.



在主流學校服務超過二十年的盧美玉(Lo Mei Yuk)老師,認為融合教育的推行對於特殊學生其實有幫助,可以訓練SEN學生去融入社會。她提到可能是服務的學校規模小,全校師生人數合計只有百餘人,在學生的品格教育方面相當重視。
Miss Lo Mei Yuk is a teacher with over 20 years of experience in mainstream schools. She believes that the integrated education scheme is actually helpful in training SEN students in integrate into society. She mentioned that due to the small scale of around a hundred people in the school she works in, the students’ character education is highly valued.
“We teach our children to be friendly and inclusive. The schools I work at usually don’t have problems of SEN students having trouble fitting in. But rather, children often finds the SEN students special and want to be closer with them, play with them,” Miss Lo said.


王蓉蓉(Wong Yung Yung)老師投入教職九年,同時擁有在主流學校與特殊學校服務的經驗。王蓉蓉老師表示,她個人相對支持送孩子入讀特殊學校,因為孩子在特殊學校可以受到老師全心全意地照顧,師生關係以及老師與家長的關係都比較緊密,同時特殊學校在職能治療、語言治療等課程方面也相對完善。 對於融合教育中特殊學生的適應問題,王蓉蓉老師也認為其實特殊學生會感受到自己與其他同學的差異,而部分主流學校的老師在帶領特殊學生時多少也會感受到困難。
Miss Wong Yung Yung has been teaching for nine years, with experience at both mainstream and special needs schools. She said that she personally supports children to be put into special needs schools, because children there can receive the teachers’ undivided attention, and relationships between teachers and students, even parents are closer. Furthermore, special needs schools are better equipped for occupation and speech therapy as well.As to whether SEN children are able to fit in within the integrated education scheme, Miss Wong feels that these children can feel the difference between themselves and the others regardless, and some mainstream school teachers may find it difficult to lead these SEN children as well.
“One of my colleague has had one primary two autistic student write in her diary saying that she would want to suicide, because she feels that she is different from the others, and cannot play with the others, nor does she understand the things taught in class, and find all of this very toilsome.” Miss Wong said.



Children with Autism is different from normal kids, hence they are destined to walk a different path. This path not only make them special, but also make it more difficult for them. But regardless of Autism, every child’s smile is inherently the same.
